02/04/24 Follow up prices for acupuncture have increased by $10.00

Complementary Consultation

Find out about acupuncture, herbs, and my approach to health. I believe that finding the right acupuncturist for your needs is an integral aspect to the healing response. It's a yin and yang kind of relationship. Let's connect!​


Perhaps you would like to improve your energy, immunity, pain management, stress, insomnia or anxiety? We use traditional Chinese medicine to treat the root condition and restore balance to the mind, body, and spirit. We have expertise in women’s health throughout all of its transitions: adolescence, fertility, labor, postpartum, menopause and aging. Whether you’re trying to conceive naturally ... Read More

Perhaps you would like to improve your energy, immunity, pain management, stress, insomnia or anxiety? We use traditional Chinese medicine to treat the root condition and restore balance to the mind, body, and spirit. We have expertise in women’s health throughout all of its transitions: adolescence, fertility, labor, postpartum, menopause and aging. Whether you’re trying to conceive naturally or with assistance (IUI/IVF), manage period pain, or diminish hot flashes — we can help you.

Pip+Marrow Facials

FACIAL ACUPUNCTURE stimulates elastin and collagen naturally. Very tiny needles are gently inserted on the face and body to balance and renew from the inside out. You will love your softer, more vibrant, and glowing complexion! MICRONEEDLING also known as collagen-induction therapy is the use of an oscillating stylus that rapidly and painlessly inserts very fine, short, sterile needles ... Read More

stimulates elastin and collagen naturally. Very tiny needles are gently inserted on the face and body to balance and renew from the inside out. You will love your softer, more vibrant, and glowing complexion!

also known as collagen-induction therapy is the use of an oscillating stylus that rapidly and painlessly inserts very fine, short, sterile needles into the skin for the purpose of rejuvenation. Micro-punctures are created which promote collagen growth, greater skin tone, wrinkle, scar, and pore size reduction, as well as boosting a deeper product absorption. This treatment can be done monthly to build collagen and reduce signs of aging.

uses the same type of oscillating motion to treat the skin as microneedling, but the cartridge encompasses 81 silicone tips. These microscopic hair-like cones separate the cells within the epidermis to allow active products to be pushed into the skin. Nano-Needling only affects the epidermis, treating within the upper .15 mm of the skin. The benefits of this serum infusion treatment include pigmentation reduction, increased cell turnover, skin rejuvenation and an immediate glow with no downtime. This treatment can be done weekly to exfoliate the skin.

I am an acupuncturist and herbalist focused on women’s health throughout all stages of life. I have a special interest in fertility, reproductive endocrinology, pregnancy, and postnatal care. I use ancient and time proven practices for wellness and integrate current research in health to provide the best possible care.

I believe there are many external and internal techniques that can be used to promote the healing process. My approach is gentle and supportive, and usually combines a few modalities for a customized treatment. Ultimately, I hope to encourage methods for self-healing and strategies for taking charge of your own health.

I worked as a software developer for ten years before having my own health crisis, which has led me to the potent relief that is Chinese medicine. I am in the process of becoming a fellow of the American Board of Oriental Reproductive Medicine (ABORM). I provide on-site acupuncture for IVF patients at Pacific Fertility Center, UCSF, and Laurel Fertility.

I am an acupuncturist and herbalist focused on women’s health throughout all stages of life. I ha... Read More

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